The 2021 IA MCC Online Auction has ended and it's time for everyone to pick up their hard fought items!
Scheduled pick up times are:
Note: you may pay online with a credit card through PayPal, but only cash or check will be accepted in person at the pick up times. If you need anything shipped or are have trouble or questions, please contact Steve Groenewold at the email [email protected], or use the contact page here. Thank you so much to everyone who donated and bid to help make the Iowa MCC Online Auction a success! If you haven't gotten your bids in yet, be sure to do so today or tomorrow! The Iowa MCC Relief Sale auction ends Sunday June 6th, with different items ending at different times in the afternoon/evening. If you're interested in an item, be sure to check the ending time so that you don't miss out!
All individual items auctions will remain open until no one has bid on the item for three minutes, even past the scheduled closing time. We know everyone's already been enjoying the online auction (click the link below to join the fun), but don't forget about the food!
The MCC Relief Sale Drive Through Meal is coming up this Friday (6/4) at Kalona Mennonite Church. Come join us at the church and choose between a Chicken Fajita or Smoked Pork meal. Grab your food and go, or stay and eat outside at the church! You may enter the church parking lot on the east side (back side) of the church, where someone will meet you at your vehicle window to take your order and any donation. The meals will then be brought out to your vehicle when they're ready. In addition to the meal, bottled water or lemonade will be provided for anyone who chooses to stay and eat at the church. A freewill cash or check donation will be taken with all proceeds going toward MCC relief efforts! |